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Do you sometimes feel “Surely there must be more to life than this – 5 days of working in a job that feels unsatisfying, followed by a 2-day break, and starting the depressingly familiar cycle all over again”? Do you then resign yourself to carrying on with the mundane routine of everyday life, thinking there is no easy way out of this unhappy work/career situation? The uncomfortable truth is that our happiness at work has a massive influence on our overall happiness in life.
Redundancies, difficult bosses, unhelpful colleagues, excessive work pressure, toxic work cultures – all these can play havoc with our desire for a happy life. But we have bills to pay, so we stay trapped and carry on. The effort to change the status quo feels so overwhelming that we don’t even try.
If you identify with this situation, I get you. I grappled with these feelings for the best part of 15 years, at the back end of my 34-year corporate career. The good news is that you and I are not alone in feeling this way. Global research and polls suggest that over 70% of employees are unhappy with their work/careers. The bad news is that it can appear very challenging to break out of this situation. Every time I thought about a change, I made plans and then I froze. I just couldn’t take my thoughts through to fruition, for years.
When I finally quit my job and decided to become a life coach, the challenge was big...because life coaching in New Zealand wasn't very big, compared to other countries where it had become quite popular. I had to believe that I could make it as a New Zealand-based life coach.
I chose “Think…Believe…Achieve” as the motto of my company Think Life Coaching (TLC), because I realized that the journey from thinking to achieving has a crucial stage in between and that is believing. It requires strong belief to initiate action. And to keep at it in the face of challenges.
If you are familiar with the game of cricket, you’ll know that batters wear a pair of pads on their legs before they go out to bat. Being a cricket nut, I like to use the analogy of PADS to give you my perception of what it takes to set and achieve a goal. P for Plan, A for Action, D for Determination, and S for Support. Without support, the journey towards a goal often never begins because it seems too daunting. It took me an inordinately long time to strap on my PADS and start my new innings. My mission is to help people like you, who might be in a similar situation to what I was, start your fresh innings without the long wait that I ended up enduring!
If this topic resonates with you, please check out this article.
My name is Shiv and I'm the principal coach of TLC. I’m a qualified career and life coach, living in Auckland, New Zealand with my family.
In the video below, I talk about the mid-career frustration that I went through. Please see if you feel a sense of familiarity with my situation. If you do, I might be able to help you break through the monotony, frustration, and disappointment that you are experiencing in your career at this point. Together, we can make a dramatic difference and help you enjoy your professional and personal life to the fullest.

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